About Me

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Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Dally is the kind of guy who acts real tuff and cool. His best friend is Tim Shephard. He also like Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, Steve, Two-bit, and Sodapop. Dally hates his dad but doesnt really care about him anyway. Johnny is really tensed and scared all the time. His best friends are Ponyboy and Dally. Johnnys parents are abusive towards him and they are drunks. They are always fighting and kicking Johnny out of his house. Johnny is like the gangs pet. No one could get along without him.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Two-Bit and Mickey

Gosh! This two-bit and mickey thing was kinda funny at first but now its like he wants 2 marry him or something. its way outta hand! no offence two-bit, but u can like him but not go crazy over him. is it that you need therapy or something? we can help you. just calm down. get yourself a new wardrobe. that mickey shirt needs to be a rag. i mean seriously, do u wear it 24/7? even when you are sleeping and in the shower? ugh... its just too nasty to think about.


alyssa=] said...

heyy sexxay

Dally Winston said...

haha johnny man ur right

Johnny Cake and Dallas Winston said...

thanks dal. finally someone agrees with me.

alyssa=] said...

pshh jus ignore me lol thats great haha jk

Johnny Cake and Dallas Winston said...

sorry lyssa. i was just replying 2 dally. sorry again. thats nice of u 2 comment on these blogs. thanks :) --johnny

alyssa=] said...

haha i was kiddin its ight j-dawg haha

thats cuz im a nice person :) lol jk