About Me

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Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Dally is the kind of guy who acts real tuff and cool. His best friend is Tim Shephard. He also like Johnny, Ponyboy, Darry, Steve, Two-bit, and Sodapop. Dally hates his dad but doesnt really care about him anyway. Johnny is really tensed and scared all the time. His best friends are Ponyboy and Dally. Johnnys parents are abusive towards him and they are drunks. They are always fighting and kicking Johnny out of his house. Johnny is like the gangs pet. No one could get along without him.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We Were Kicked Out

Hey Guys. Sorry we havent blogged for a while. We were just at the store a few days ago and we were looking at electronics. Actually, dvds to be exact. But, Johnny had the cart and he was swaying it back and forth and was hitting me each time. I finally got tired of it and pushed it back at him. It hit him right in the gut and he fell on the ground. He started chasing me with the cart. I ran into some lady who worked there and when we both turned around, there came Johnny speeding at us. He ran the cart into me and the lady who worked there and we both fell on the ground. The lady landed on my arm and she wasnt exactly skinny. Ha ha! Comment on this. --Dally


alyssa=] said...

haha thats funny

Steph:] said...

hahaha. that reminds me of this one time when i was in 3rd grade and my teacher was HUGE and she hugged me and i like got lost in her rolls if ya know what i mean. lmao. xD

Johnny Cake and Dallas Winston said...

haha! thats funny steph. huge people shouldnt hug. there should be a law against it because it could cause suffication. haha. --Johnny

DropDeadSamii. said...

that reminds me when me and my friend were back stage and he hugged me really tight.
i thought he broke my ribs.
all i could say was :
uhmm. owchhh.


alyssa=] said...

haha wow
thats fun
eww steph hugged a teacher

Johnny Cake and Dallas Winston said...

i had a teacher one time that didnt like hugs so i pretty much didnt have 2 worry about getting hurt by her. lol.--Johnny

Rosy said...

woah im havin total flashbacks of my math teacher last year. he was super-fat & super-mean, so my friends made up a nickname for him: the lil' round ball of hate! hahahahaha whenever he would yell his double chin would wiggle & evry1 would laff so he would get madder & it would wiggle more, until everyone got detention. that sucked, but it was still funny. :-D